

Revelation 9:14 the dam will break due to an earthquake in the middle of 2023溃坝

Bible Revelation 9:14 Turkey-Atatürk. Iraq-Mosul, Hadithah. Syria-Tabqa, the dam will break due to an earthquake in the middle of 2023.

圣经:北方王俄罗斯普京,南方王乌克兰泽连斯基Bible: Russia, King of the North, Ukraine, King of the South

圣经预言:北方王俄罗斯普京,南方王乌克兰泽连斯基,基提战船土耳其军舰,圣约伊核协议,七头十角海兽苏俄,地兽中国,淫妇巴比伦北京,兽印崇拜独裁者支持二维码监控,假先知伊朗哈梅内伊,龙中国独裁者.Bible: Russia, King of the North, Ukraine, K...


2023年1月17号之前军队撤离乌克兰,随后俄罗斯主要精力将转向中东,违背伊核协议,帮助伊朗拥有核武器,以及攻打格鲁吉亚阿塞拜疆。Before January 17, 2023, the army will withdraw from Ukraine, and then Russ...

Before January 17, 2023, the army will withdraw from Ukraine, and then Russia will focus on the Middle East, Russia violates Iran nuclear deal,helping Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, and attacking Georgia and Azerbaijan monkeypox pand.


破解圣经预言Decipher biblical prophecy 2023年中期猴痘爆发超越新冠 2024年6月俄罗斯发起核战 2025年7月火山爆发陆地升降与海啸 Monkeypox outbreak overtakes Covid-19 in mid-2023 Russia launches nuclear war in June 2024 Volcanic eruption in July 2025 Land lift and tsunami

