
我是一位占卜師 使用牌卡為神諭卡 靈性諮詢 一般工作、感情占卜 擅長個人成長、內在探索 有需要占卜為你指引方向的人,可以直接找我喔 粉專:流星的希望 IG: star_hope_oracle 連續三場活動都突破50000獎金,最高上限

The you

however the clone is heppened.

the scientist copy a person who look same like you.

however there has a parallel universe.

the same person look like you who live in the parallel universe.

it's still not the same because the soul is only one.

the looking can look same, but soul can't be same.

When a person born that time, the creator already put unique soul in every each body.

the bright and pure soul.

that's why you are special for me.

the thing can has meaning or nothing.

it's depend on how a person give it definition.

it's like a rock.

the rock is everywhere.

if a person think it's nothing then it's nothing

if a person think it's unique, then it's unique.

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