Gowen Laver
Gowen Laver

I will build up my own Metaverse.

Pioneer in the blockchain industry that you can count on is the Itam Games?

ITAM Games is a leading blockchain game development company in South Korea. By building an EOS-based mobile game platform "ITAM Store", and focusing on platform users, it has built a decentralized exchange, developer The entire ecosystem from tools to ecological funds and crowdfunding platforms has become the world's leading blockchain mobile game distribution platform that truly serves game developers and users. ITAM Games will release the ITAM store and the first batch of about 20 high-quality blockchain games.

ITAM is a team with rich game development and operation experience and strong blockchain technology strength, with clear business logic, ecological model and token system. 2022 will be the year of the explosion of blockchain games. An integrated game distribution platform that serves the majority of blockchain game developers and meets the diverse needs of game users is inevitable.

The EOS mainnet is ITAM's first choice, but throughout the service life cycle, we will apply different protocols to provide our users with Freedom of Block Choice. You cannot guarantee that any blockchain protocol available today will be in the next 10, 20, 50 years or so, and other good protocols are likely to be released in the future, so in the long run, it will not be limited to one protocol.

Regarding digital assets, ITAM proposed the ITAM NFT standard. ITAM NFT is the Token standard for games in the ITAM Store. It is used to mark the special digital assets acquired by users in the game, such as equipment, characters, achievements, rankings, etc., to provide users with immutability and real ownership. What is more interesting is that the digital assets of ITAM NFT can be lent or borrowed among game users, and the borrower can use it in the game within a specified time. The lending process is completely implemented through smart contracts.

Suppose you are playing an RPG game of ITAM games and come across an extremely rare item worth $1,000. Users who want to sell the product quickly before the value drops will pay more attention to transaction speed. And if the user wants to hold this safely and has no plans to sell in the short term, then this means that safety is more important and they won’t mind slower transaction speeds.

Finally, ITAM Store is mentioned because it is the core project of ITAM Games, and other products are actually for this product. ITAM Store is an application with a user interface and user experience similar to Google Play and Apple's App Store, allowing users to view, access and participate in ITAM Games mobile. In the ITAM Store, users can obtain and display their rankings, achievements, etc., and may obtain game assets, ITAM NFT, or exchange these digital assets here.

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