
A developer who occasionally has existential crisis and thinks if we are heading to the wrong direction, technology is just getting us there sooner.

To live is to build a hacky fix on top of another without breaking too many other things

My manager told me to copy and paste

I protested how about the DRY principle we are supposed to follow

He said copying and pasting is easier at this moment

Yes I guess it is and one day when we sell the company it won’t be my problem anymore

To be a better developer is not to stick to the best practices but to break them elegantly

It’s the same as living

Real things are as messy

When I sit by the campfire my face is toasted but my back is still cold

I’ll just grab a jacket from the house

To live is to build a hacky fix on top of another without breaking too many other things

If Korean instant noodles get us through a day, Korean instant noodles it is

The rest we can worry about later as they come

And there will be one day when it doesn’t matter anymore

That is the most comfort of all

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 版权声明


