

Making an impact through investing - green and inclusive bonds to support sustainable development in Hong Kong

● High yield corporate credit and EMDs present compelling opportunities—JPM ● Duration positioning is a risk management tool and ...

Volatility in the Eurozone - do Singaporean investors have to worry about it spilling over into the Asian markets?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has greatly affected inflation in the Eurozone. With the headline at 5.8% YoY instead of the expected 5.3%, Chr...

An ongoing Omicron wave and Ukraine’s humanitarian crisis – what it means for Hong Kong traders and investors

As the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine intensifies, financial markets have seen tumultuous development. Though situated on the other side of ...

What are war bonds, and how do they work?

In times of war, governments sometimes need to appeal to the public for funding. One of the ways a country does this is by selling ‘war bonds’.

Banks have taken great strides to close the gender gap – how can we keep going?

The financial well-being of women depends on closing the gender investment gap. Women typically save more and live longer, yet they tend to ...

An ongoing Omicron wave and Ukraine’s humanitarian crisis – what it means for Hong Kong traders and investors

As the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine intensifies, financial markets have seen tumultuous development. Though situated on the other side of ...


隨著科技股持續股價調整,我們是否會經歷新的一輪大宗商品超級週期(Super Cycle)?一些分析師認為,目前與大宗商品掛鉤的貨幣正強勢,鐵礦石與石油價格上漲,這些跡象表明當下可能是一個大浪的起始點。2月24日後,俄烏衝突可能会加剧这一轉變,該衝突已經导致幾種關鍵商品價格的躍升。


在過去的數年中,許多大型銀行機構採取了多元化招聘,歡迎不同種族和性別的人參與其中。2018年,摩根大通推出了 "優勝女性本科生計劃",旨在促進 "思想、經驗、背景和觀點的多樣性"。高盛與2019年設立了 “女性交易員學院” 計劃,為女性應屆畢業生提供進入銀行業的跳板。
