Louisa Lien
Louisa Lien

希望做個簡單的人 看劇,讀書,還有一些日常零碎小事的記錄 隨心意而寫,隨心意而拍

雜七雜八手帳(34) - 歌曲欣賞

Young And Beautiful


Lana Del Rey(拉娜.德芮)的”Young And Beautiful”正是帶給我此種感受的一首歌。

對於Lana Del Rey這一位歌手,我並沒有太多的認識,只是覺得她的歌曲裡帶著一股迷幻色彩,歌聲低沉慵懶。而”Young And Beautiful”這首歌,則是2013年由Leonardo DiCaprio(李奧納多.狄卡皮歐)及TobyMaguire(陶比.麥奎爾)主演的電影《The Great Gatsby》(大亨小傳)的主題曲。電影的許多劇情都已忘了,只大概記得是個美國20年代浮華世界的故事。然而這首歌,卻深深地印在我的腦海裡。


 I've seen the world /我曾看過這世間
 Done it all, had my cake now /經歷多時,我也有了我的功成名就
 Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now /鑽石、閃爍 與另外一旁遙遠的岸上

 Hot summer nights mid July /熾夏的夜晚,在七月中至
 When you and I were forever wild /當你我在那似永遠放蕩的日子裡
 The crazy days, the city lights /那些瘋狂的日子與不眠的城市
 The way you'd play with me like a child /那些日子裡我們像孩子般嬉鬧

 Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful
 /當我不再盛氣年華時 你還會依然愛著我嘛?
 Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul /當我一  
 無所有 只剩下悲哀靈魂時 你是否還會愛著我?
 I know you will, I know you will /我知道你…會的
 I know that you will /我知道你一定還會愛著我
 Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful /當我不再盛氣年華 
 時 你還會依然愛著我嘛?

 I've seen the world, lit it up as my stage now /我曾看過這世間,就像我 
 Channeling angels in, the new age now /天使帶領著我們,來到了新的世紀
 Hot summer days, rock and roll /熾夏之日,燄石混動著
 The way you'd play for me at your show /那些只表演給我看的把戲
 And all the ways I got to know /而我只注意到
 Your pretty face and electric soul /你那迷人的臉蛋與電魂

 Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful/當我不
 再盛氣年華時 你還會依然愛著我嘛?
 Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul /當我一
 無所有 只剩下悲哀靈魂時 你是否還會愛著我?
 I know you will, I know you will /我知道你…會的
 I know that you will /我知道你一定還會愛著我
 Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful /當我不再盛氣年華
 時 你還會依然愛著我嘛?

 Dear lord when I get to heaven /親愛的上帝,當我去天國時
 Please let me bring my man /請你讓我帶上我最深愛的男人
 When he comes tell me that you'll let him /期待你會讓他跟著我
 Father tell me if you can /神之父啊!如果您可以的話 告訴我吧
 Oh that grace, oh that body /噢多麼地雅緻!那性感的身軀
 Oh that face makes me wanna party /噢!讓我們多想要開派對
 He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds /他是我的陽光,使我像個鑽

**歌詞翻譯參考至 https://bgt566.pixnet.net/blog/post/147193126


Dear lord when I get to heaven
Please let me bring my man 
When he comes tell me that you'll let him
Father tell me if you can





- 羅馬書八:6

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