
#Anarchist | Talking to myself

November 16-21, 2020


1) booklist: Collectivism vs. Individualism
2) booklist: Identity
Paper (SSM):
1) revise the draft based on feedback & send it to S
Paper (Covid):
1) send interaction data to H
2) Method
3) Result
4) Lit
1) Lecture * 2
2) section * 4
3) OH * 2
4) meeting

5) prep

Teaching: 4H
Paper (Covid): 7H
六件事: 1) Data analysis, 2) email to H about wtsc paper, results, and member, 3) section prep, 4) Office Hour, 5) how extracted 7 frames, 6) YOGA Day 16
2)的email draft好了,因为时间太晚所以没发,明天一早做。算做好五件事好了!

9-10am: Teaching - OH (while section prep) - no visit
10-12pm: Paper (Covid) - data analysis, send to H (ask wtsc paper feedback + inform member agreement)
a) combine "Wechat" and "weibo" together as "social media" - done
b) data analysis: WTSC -> stop posting - done
2-7pm: Paper (Covid) - continue - WTSC + perceived opinion climate --> stop posting; added news relevant items into one block; drafted email -- done
8-10pm: Teaching - section prep -- one part left
11-12am: Teaching - section prep -- done

Teaching: 7H

六件事:  1) send email to H [drafted], 2) attend lecture, 3) teach sections, 4) how extracted 7 frames in Method, 5) Add operationalization of framing processes in Method, 6) YOGA Day 17

morning: check and send email to H [drafted]
9:30-11pm: Teaching - lecture + section prep
11:30-5pm: Teaching - sections

Paper (SSM): 5.5H
Teaching: 2H

六件事: 1) how extracted 7 frames in Method, 2) Add operationalization of framing processes in Method, 3) reconsider Confucianism part (delete or revise), 4) visual analysis & non-textual post, 5) Office Hour, 6) YOGA Day 18
完成五件事,但也完成了明天的一件: lecture! 明天要把今天的补上!

9-10am: Teaching - OH - no visit
11-12am: Paper (SSM)
a) How extracted 7 frames in Method
2:30-6pm: Paper (SSM)
a) Add operationalization of framing processes in Method
b) delete Confucianism part, only talk it in Discussion
9:30-10:30pm: Teaching - lecture (thur)

Teaching: 1H
Paper (SSM): 4.5H
六件事: 1) visual analysis & non-textual post, 2) revise and add "why FB" in Method and Intro, 3) move two Framing strategies into Discussion, add new conclusion part using more data, 4) Meeting, 5) YOGA Day 19

12-1pm: Teaching - Meeting
4:30-9pm: Paper (SSM)
a) revise and add "why FB" in Method

Paper: 2H
竟然忘记傍晚的publication workshop。。。

9:30-9:40am: Teaching - Student reserved talk
3-4pm: RG - Meeting
4-6pm: Paper (SSM)
a) search visual analysis & add more explanation of "non-textual post" in Method

Paper (SSM): 2H

4-6pm:Paper (SSM) - Finished Data in Method

Sunday: OFF

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