

新聞英文 | 三級警戒延至6/28英文怎麼說?

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今天選的文章是大家熟悉的台灣新聞。(Taipei Times)

大家都知道第三級警戒要延長到6/28,我們英文怎麼說呢? 三級警戒可以說 Level 3 alert,延長可以用大家熟悉的extend,你可以說

  • Level 3 alert is extended to June 28 三級警戒延長至6/28

記得我們說過會議前要來個small talk嗎? 說說台灣的狀況是個安全且重要的話題,對方可以了解台灣辦公室可能因此WFH,也可以在會後去查警戒對台灣市場的影響。另外,目前不考慮升級怎麼說呢?

  • There is no indication that the officials will raise the alert level. 

另一個跟我民生息息相關的,經濟部宣布市場、超級市場、大賣場採「一人一坪」的人流管制crowd control政策,為了避免overcrowding 過度擁擠,也要求要定期消毒,怎麼說累

  • conduct/ do periodic disinfection(s)
  • 同時也建議大家做分流採買rotational shopping

最後,傳統市場跟夜市也會做人流管制 crowd control,關於傳統市場的講法,wet market, traditional market都是可行的,管制的方法是官員會在市場的前後駐守,相關細節經濟部副首長林全能說會再公布。公務員的英文可以說civil servant,但其實我自己是不常看到這樣的說法,一般都向新聞裡面,使用officials這個字。


The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) yesterday said it is tightening restrictions on stores and businesses in coordination with efforts by the Central Epidemic and Command Center (CECC) to further curb the COVID-19 outbreak as a nationwide level 3 alert is extended to June 28.

Convenience stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets and department stores are to limit visitors to “one customer per ping” (3.3m2) to prevent overcrowding, it said.

Once the capacity is reached, customers have to wait outside, with a store representative tasked with ensuring that the “one-in-one-out” rule is followed to prevent too many shoppers inside the venue, it said.

Businesses are required to limit their opening hours and announce them accordingly, it said.

They will also have to continue the practice of tracking customers visiting their stores. This includes making sure that customers are wearing masks and have registered through an app or a written form, as well as checking their temperatures and providing them with alcohol spray to disinfect their hands, it said.

Furthermore, they must conduct periodic disinfections of public areas, including bathrooms, escalators, elevators and other areas that customers often come into contact with, it said

As for shopping time at wet markets and night markets, Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs Lin Chuan-neng (林全能) on Sunday said that officials would be stationed at the entrances and exits of the markets, whose operating hours would be reviewed and confirmed by the ministry.

Even tighter controls will be in place for smaller markets that can only accommodate a certain number of people, including having shoppers leave their contact information and maintain social distancing, he said.

When necessary, officials may temporarily stop visitors from entering the markets, Lin said, adding that there would be more frequent police patrols to ban street vendors near the markets.

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