
Inner Explorer provides daily mindfulness practice in school. This platform executes simple and stress free environment for school staff.

The Daily Practice Of Mindfulness In Schools With Inner Explorer

The practice of mindfulness in schools will help students perform better academically and emotionally.

Inner Explorer aims to break the cycle of stress and help students reach their full potential while also receiving the kind of education that they deserve. These programs are designed to support the mental health of students. They are based upon the scientific practice of Mindfulness-Based Social Emotional Learning (MBSEL). The primary focus of these programs is the daily practice of mindfulness. With the daily practice of mindfulness, students will be able to deal with their emotions and focus on school in a more healthy way. With the help of daily mindfulness, teachers, students, and even parents break free from the chronic stress that comes with daily life. According to Brain futures, the Inner Explorer programs rank within the top ten across the nation. The programs are also approved by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.

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