
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

衙前塱道尋寶記 / Treasures Hunting at Ngai Nga Tsin Long Road

Let's continues our treasures hunting in Kowloon City, we are visiting the Nga Tsin Long Road today, do you have interested in Chinese herbal tea? If so, this little old shop must be your cup of tea then.

我地繼續九龍城尋寶之旅啦,今日帶大家行下衙前塱道,係啦,唔知大家鐘唔鐘意飲涼茶呢? 如果鐘意既話,呢家小店一定啱你心水.

This shop has been stationed in Kowloon City for 60 years, so you don't have to hesitate their reputation, when talking about the Chinese herbal tea, which one you would immediate figure out? 5 Herbs? 24 Herbs? Hemp Seed? They are too ordinary in front of this shop, you should try their most popular herbal tea - 28 Herbs. I can tell it is super bitter but it can clear all the heat inside your body in very short time. You should try if you think that you have got many heat.

呢間坐立係九龍城超過60年既小店, 你唔需要質疑佢既名聲地位.講起涼茶既話,大家第一時間會諗起邊樣? 五花茶? 廿四味? 火麻仁? 佢地係呢家鋪頭面前都太普通啦,如果你黎到呢到,一定要試下佢地既特效廿八味.我可以同你講,一定苦到嚇死你,但係佢清熱解毒確實一流.如果大家覺得自己好熱氣既話,不妨黎一杯.

Hope you guys can suffer the bitter of the tea,let's move on to the other shops, this street got full of Thai Restaurants there, of course, most of them are pure Thai people born and raised in Hong Kong for sure.


It's interesting, you can take their shrimp crack and donate any amount of the money outside the shop, they will give the money to the NGO. They are full of love.


However, it's not a good time to visit the street at day, most of them only open at night, the staff just arrived the shop to prepare for the dinner.

不過日頭真係唔係最好既timing去影相, 佢地多數鋪頭都只會做晚市,好多伙記都係啱啱到鋪頭準備

See, there is another Thai food, people just arrived the shop to prepare for the dinner either.


The gate is not even opened, I should visit there at night.


I didn't have dinner at these Thai restaurants for years, when will the pandemic gone? Let me out to have dinner with friends there.

我都有好多年冇黎呢到食泰國菜囉, 死人疫情幾時完啊? 我要同朋友黎食飯啊/

Time flies, I have been writing the Kowloon City series for 2 weeks, actually nearly all the pictures have been used, tomorrow might be the last chapter of the Kowloon City series, thanks for your support in the past 2 weeks.


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