
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

獅子石道 / Lion Rock Road

Good evening guys, sorry to get on here late tonight because I had another super busy day with work, tonight I am going to show you guys the Lion Rock Road where is next to Fok Lo Tsun Road.

大家晚上好, 唔好意思,今晚又遲左,因為今日又係忙到飛起,今日帶大家行下福佬村道隔離個條獅子石道.

Unlike Fok Lo Tsun Road, they don't have so many shops which is 30/40 years there, but you can feel extremely relax to having a coffee of western dish in this street.


It would be a great idea for you to visit this Gladys' Estate Coffee during weekend, as I remember they have about 7-8 years there, their reputation of the coffee and main dish is quite good, but people's comment on the dessert is so so. I never tried their dessert there anyway, let's see if i have chance to try in short time.

我諗係週末黎呢間 Gladys' Estate Coffee 嘆下咖啡打發時間係唔錯既選揀,記憶之中呢間鋪頭有7-8年歷史左右, 佢地啲咖啡同主菜口卑幾好架,不過啲甜品就一半一半,有啲人覺得好,但覺得失望既comment都唔少. 其實我自己就冇試過佢地啲甜品,睇下短期內有冇機會試啦.

I'd prefer to have main dish and coffee there, the desserts are quite expensive.


They have a little window for order to go, nice.


Beside the Gladys' Estate coffee, they have another nice western cuisine called Copacabana 小店 (小店 literally mean "Small Shop")

除左 Gladys' Estate coffee之外,佢地有另一間西餐都唔錯既叫Copacabana 小店

They have deluxe menu (which is more expensive) and special lunch menu (which is more reasonable) for your choice, it's all up to you.


The special lunch menu is only HK$47 up, the most expensive one is talking about HK$98

佢地既特選午餐都係HK$47起, 最貴既都係HK$98

This dumping shop is quite interesting, they have one special dish called 13 terminal tiles (yes, we are talking the 13 terminal tiles in Mah Jong), you can only find 2 pcs of dumping in same favorite out of 14 pcs, the rest of each is different favorite.

Unfortunately I had lunch with my mom in the shopping mall, otherwise I must get inside to try.

呢間餃子館幾得意,佢地有道招牌菜十三么水餃 (冇錯,講緊打麻省個個十三么), 一盤14隻餃子入面,只有2隻係相同口味,其餘12隻,隻隻不同.


Although the street called Lion Rock Road, they don't have any Lion or Lion shape rock there lol, thank you for your time, see you tomorrow

雖然條街叫獅子石道,但係呢到係冇獅子,或者獅子形狀既石像架下 lol, 多謝大家抽空睇我既帖,聽日見

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