特殊學障的一生,讓我與生俱來已感悟人情冷暖,世途多艱!我只為經常鼓勵我的LikeCoin Users重力打Like✨ When nobody truly cares, i....Care ! with my utmost for His highest, for the sake of my Special Education Needs Community worldwide.

2020年1月8日 - 天晴 / 嗨!又來「我手寫我心」喇~

承接早兩天的上一個回合,Matters 的客服Pascal電郵總共問了我三個問題,我今晚回覆第二題;

問題 2. 您在注册和初步使用 Matters 的过程中,有什么想法、感受、意见?

First of all, I am totally new to the Matters Platform, starting from the very basic level…

Not so sure whether you're genuinely seeking for my input from a beginner's level, but I do feel like I'm apparently an island here on Matters, a loner with literally some sort of hearing impairment and social anxiety problems, standing right next to a pool of strangers, layman politicians or professional writers.....

願意在Matters給我打Like鼓掌支持的朋友,男女老少都有一個共通點:處事待人不偽善 + 有同理心

Maybe there are so many great people on this Platform, but I feel so distanced from most of them during my first 7 days of practicing and examining on Matters.

Doesn't it making any sense for other new comers to ask for some elementary support such as connecting us to the big old brothers and sisters here on Matters around the world, by mutual-consent and categories ? Making interesting new friends and being able to healthily build up their own buddy groups among Matters would probably help anyone who may want to stay here to stay longer.


Not too many people would bring their own gang to join Matters from the very beginning and stay for long…

The most natural retention being put up within the System is something crucial for a long-lasting growth to its next level up.  I hope to see some more and more great advancements being nurtured and polished here on Matters….

As I always says : When nobody truly cares, i… Care.



若您願意支持我們身體力行為低收入SEN家庭及青少年人,義務提供IT、 Moral Game Design & Multimedia的專業訓練,令他們同樣可以跟您我一樣的公平就業,自食其力,活得有自信、有夢想、有尊嚴;請慷慨給我們在 Matters 平台上多多打 Like 吧! 您的每一則留言,我都會認真用心互動,説到做到,童叟無欺 ^.^

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