

波士頓疫情筆記23: 醫護,防護,聯署信

3月26日 晴 暖 最高溫57度








今天麻州的消息讓我不安,也讓我心痛。麻州確診2417人,25人死亡。波士頓至少154名醫護感染,其中BWH45名醫護,MGH41名醫護,Tufts 52名醫護,Boston Medical Center 15名醫護,Boston Children Hospital 1名醫護,其他醫院拒絕提供數據。麻州要求醫學院讓本應夏天畢業的學生提前畢業,成為實習醫生,支援一線醫護。這意味著,在對抗新冠病毒這場戰役中,麻州缺武器(PPE--防護物資),缺士兵(不得不臨時徵召新兵),疫情緊急(不得不讓醫學生提前畢業參加醫療隊伍)。






我和好友對紐約州長突然醒悟過來並採取各種冷靜正確措施表示羨慕嫉妒恨。這一系列措施包括停課停工居家、神速檢測 (最近三天的測試量分別為一日1萬,1.5萬和1.8萬),怒罵聯邦要呼吸機要援助金,並全世界迅速購買防護物資,擴招醫療隊伍,要求聯邦建野戰醫院等等。而反觀貝克同志,在做什麼?聯邦送紐約400台呼吸機後庫莫大怒:我們需要3萬台呼吸機,你給我們送了400台,是你們選擇讓這26000人去死的!而貝克呢,被聯邦搶了三個防護物資訂單又被川普嘲諷價格不行後發出哀怨:我也很沮喪! 這”沮喪體“也夠神奇的了!貝克同志,性命攸關,你能衝冠一怒嗎?如果你不能對貴黨(貝克是共和黨,領導著麻州這個藍州)領袖發怒,你能快起來嗎?天,我(貝克)有一個夢想,一天能測3500人。拜託,紐約現在一天檢測18000人。病毒是不等人的。



Regina LaRocque医生和她的500多名医疗同事呼吁州长Charlie Baker和其他州的领导人解决COVID-19给我们的医疗工作者带来的严峻形势。你们很多人都知道,拉罗克博士是Wellesley可持续发展领导小组的成员,是Wellesley的居民,也是麻省总医院(MGH)的传染病专家。Wellesley社区正在开放我们所有的沟通渠道,以支持拉罗克博士和她的同事,我们敦促你们与我们一起采取行动。


然后,(1)打电话给贝克州长 (2)打电话给你的州代表和州参议员,让他们知道这个问题对你有多重要。(如果你不确定该联系谁,请复制此链接https://malegislature.gov/search/findmylegislator“到“寻找我的立法者”(Find My Legislator)”

1. 贝克州长:作为一名共和党州长,请以强有力和公开的方式来反驳特朗普总统关于复活节前我们将恢复正常的危险言论。

2. 贝克州长:我们需要加强个人防护装备的地方军事风格的生产。这需要由州长办公室集中协调,并由国民警卫队执行。现在,医院都是临时做这些事情的。州长必须承担责任,因为联邦政府没有做。特朗普总统没有使用国防生产法案。麻州被迫与其他州和团体斗争,以获得全国供应。在病毒袭击马萨诸塞州之前,我们已经缺少关键的个人防护设备和用品。我们没有足够的呼吸机和治疗诊所。

3.贝克州长:请为指挥中心增加一位专家“"Tony Fauci”,他是灾害管理和传染病方面的专家,他将向公众介绍这种流行病。

4. 州长贝克:请把传染病专家安插到州的COVID-19应急指挥中心。我们需要专门从事这项工作的专家。在麻州有许多符合要求的人愿意为国效力。目前的“顾问团”是由已经在自己的机构全天候工作的人组成的。

5. 贝克州长:请与纽约和华盛顿的州长保持一致,发出明确和直接的命令,停止一切不必要的工作,并向地方政府提供执行您的指示所需的明确和支持。

6. 我们需要立即运输个人医疗防护装备到麻州医疗社区内。






7. 我们需要肥皂、去污剂、酒精消毒剂和漂白剂立即送到。




8. 培养基、COVID-19试验、疫苗和药物开发需要优先发展生物技术。需要立即提供广泛的、易于访问的测试。



9. 需要呼吸机、气管导管!






TTY (617) 727 - 3666




Dear Sustainable Wellesley community, 

Dr. Regina LaRocque and more than 500 of her medical colleagues are calling on Governor Charlie Baker and other state leaders to address the dire situation facing our healthcare workers due to COVID-19. 

As many of you know, Dr. LaRocque is a member of the Sustainable Wellesley leadership team, a Wellesley resident, and an infectious disease specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital. 

Sustainable Wellesley is opening all our lines of communication to support Dr. LaRocque and her colleagues and we urge you to join us in taking action.

Please read her message below and share it widely. Then, call (1) Governor Baker (2) your State Representative and State Senators to let them know how important this issue is to you. (Click Find My Legislator if you aren’t sure who to contact.) 

1. Governor Baker: Please speak out forcefully and publicly as a Republican governor to counteract President Trump's dangerous narrative that we will be back to normal business by Easter.

2. Governor Baker: We need to ramp up military style local production of personal protective equipment. This needs to be coordinated centrally by the Governor’s office and executed by the National Guard. Right now, hospitals are doing all of this on an ad hoc basis. Governors have to take responsibility since the federal government is not. President Trump is not using the Defense Production Act. Massachusetts is forced to fight with other states and groups to access the national supply. We are already running short of critical personal protective equipment and supplies BEFORE the tidal wave has hit in Massachusetts. We do not have enough ventilators and respiratory clinics. 

3. Governor Baker: Please add to your Command Center team a "Tony Fauci" point person with expertise in disaster management and infectious disease to communicate to the public about this epidemic.

4. Governor Baker: Please embed experts in infectious disease on the state’s Coronavirus Response Command Center. We need experts dedicated solely to this effort. There are many qualified people in Massachusetts who are willing to serve, including the names that have been forwarded to you. The current 'advisory panel' is made up of people who are already working 24/7 at their own institutions. 

5. Governor Baker: Please keep pace with the governors in New York and Washington by giving clear and direct orders to stop all non-essential work, and give local governments the clarity and support they need to enforce your directives.

6. We need personal protective equipment to be delivered immediately to the MA medical community.

  • Please have 3M and similar companies halt all production of any product that isn't PPE to focus on PPE manufacturing – N95 and other masks, gowns, gloves, face shields, eye protection.
  • Plastic manufacturers need to halt production of anything other than protective gowns, face shields, gloves and other medical items (see #5)
  • Have companies like Amazon halt 2-day delivery and focus on delivering the PPE to the healthcare force.
  • Enable military forces to help with delivery of PPE to healthcare workers.
  • Create campaigns for philanthropists to donate toward these items, perhaps buy them back from citizens who are hoarding them.

7. We need soaps, detergents, alcohol sanitizer and bleach to be delivered immediately.

  • Please have Proctor and Gamble and similar companies to focus on soaps and detergents for hospital scrubs, gowns, linens
  • Source disinfectant wipes as they are needed to keep hospital surfaces clean
  • Hand sanitizer and soap are needed to prevent spread inside the hospitals

8. Culture media, COVID19 tests, vaccine and drug development needs to take priority in biotech. Widespread easily accessible testing needs to be available immediately.

  •  Let’s follow Korea’s example rather than Italy’s and limit the death toll by detection and early quarantine.
  • Biotechnology manufacturing also needs to be ready and able to ramp up if and when treatments or vaccines are developed. Our Botox supply isn't critical, but our antiviral and antibiotic supply is.

9. Ventilators, endotracheal tubes are needed!

  • Please have manufacturing plants switch their current focus and increase efforts on ventilators, endotracheal tubes, IV tubing, etc to prepare for the prolonged high need.

You can reach Governor Baker here:

Main # (617) 725-4005

Toll Free (888) 870-7770

Springfield Office (413) 784-1200

TTY (617) 727-3666 

There is a dire situation in our hospitals, putting our healthcare workers at risk, and consequently, all of us. Many thanks for making the calls and sharing this with your community!

Stay well and safe.

Sustainable Wellesley

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