David You


Five English Words and Fascinating Facts about Chinese Words

When we look up some English words in the dictionary, we can find some Chinese words enrich the English language. Now it's a time to introduce five words.1. TEA (茶)The Mandarin word for tea is ch'a...


1.誰發明了籃球?籃球是由體育教育者奈史密斯(James Naismith)發明,在麥吉爾大學(McGill...



Sad Day in Toronto

It's a sad day today. Van-ramming incident attack the beautiful city in the True North . My heart is with victims in Toronto. Pray for Toronto and keep strong.


每當學習英文,看英文電視,電影,小說時,許多人對美國英語和英國英語不陌生。不過,你是否知道加拿大英語?加拿大英語是加拿大官方語言之一,使用人口高達八成(包括第二語言使用者)。相比之下,魁北克省人口中,只有7.7%使用加拿大英語,主要集中在蒙特婁(Montreal)。從歷史來看,要從兩個早期移民潮開始說起,第一次移民潮是在1776年,當時美國革命戰爭爆發 (American...

First Post on Matters: Historiographical Review of The Vietnam War (Ep.10)

The tenth episode of Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s documentary The Vietnam War shows orthodox historians’ viewpoints, which reflect the lessons of the war. This chapter reveals that the American...
