

The Return of the Black Riders

In a galaxy far far away, Jell and the Black Riders have been fighting for more than 100 years because Black riders are trying to take over ...

My favourite food

My favourite food is salmon fish with cheese inside. When I first tasted salmon fish I think is really good. Then I always eat salmon when I...

My grandma

My grandma is super old, but she looks like a 40 years old girl. She always says exercise hard then you will finally succeed.

My favourite Pokémon

My favourite Pokémon is Blaziken because he looks cool fresh and powerful (if you're wondering) Blaziken's moves is flameflower, blaze kick,...

My best friend

My best friend is Alexis he lives in The Beverly Hills. We meet each other when were in Year 2 age 7. When started to be friends we started ...

My favourite video game

My favourite video game is I started playing this game when I'm seven, my friend Alexis introduced this game to me.

My memories

In 2010 (when I was born) our family lived in a place called tai po Grand Versailles it was small but it fits all of our family.

My mother

My mother is kind, helpful, and caring. She loves reading, working and much more. At the weekends she teaches me things that I don't know mo...

My holiday

Me and my family went to Dubai, the date was 17/12/2019, I can't wait!When we went to Hong Kong airport we rode an A-380 to Dubai it was a nine hr flight.



When will COVID-19 end?

One of the most important questions that people want the answer to right now is when will the COVID-19 pandemic end?Well scientists did not find out yet.....

My sister

My sister is 6 years old she is funny, she always acts silly and sometimes rude. My sister's hobby drums, batman-ton and T.V How she acts...

Reasons that video games is good

Good: Video games should be good because it helps you to calm down and relax. Firstly: Video games helps you to calm down because it will h...
