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【A unknown island】Adventure in the island-English story solitaire No. 2|A Genius(一個天才)@daisy

IQ 180 is "on the Island".

No.1 | shipwreck(船難)@Star_hope

Viswa is a college student. He has a summer vacation.

He feels bored in summer vacation, so he plans to go the island with his friends.

When they take the boat to the island, a typhoon is happened.

Because of the typhoon, Viswa lose the contact with his friend and he reach a unknown island.

After he reach the unknown island, he meet a girl in the island and the girl name is sally.

No 2 | A Genius(一個天才)@daisy

Although the island is sort of unknown in the map, it is not rural at all. There are buildings on the hills.

However Viswa is pretty sure that the island does not and should not exist, because he always got high marks in geography and geometry. And in fact his GPA score is super high and his IQ is 180, there is no way that he didn't recognize this island at all. His passion for stargazing also telling him that it is impossible to have such island in this latitude and longitude.

P.S. Should be "An Island" instead of "A Island? Can be "on the island" but not on a island.

Next Round: @閱讀筆耕


10/22 (中)No.2 @Daisy (下)No.3@閱讀筆耕

10/23 (上)No.4@思然 oce (中)No.5@徐心 (下)No.6@喬安納

10/24 (上)No.7 @菲栗夏英国生活点滴( 中 )No.8.@siva (下)No.9@巫筆

10/25 (上)No.10@Emma愛瑪 (中)No.11@天上银河 (下)No.12@Zioh炙豪

10/26 (上)No.13@Angela Chen (中)No.14@PhilipMak ( 下)No.15@那朵薔薇

10/27 (上)No.16@DrYuan。汤圆 (中)No.17@星星點燈 (下)No.18@羽昊 / 日日文青總編

10/28 (上)No.19@GS (中)No.20@Carol.W (下)No.21@志工爺爺

10/29 (上)No.22@林宇 (中)No.23@字遊人阿給(下)No.24 @听心写

10/30 (上)No.25 @沧海一滴 (中)No.26@眾讀PopRead (下)No.27@芙洛火火Flog

10/31 (上)No.28@女巫L (中)No.29 @鑫大叔 (下)No.30@碼農日常大小事-裏

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