
熱愛健康生活: 閱讀寫作,中醫養生,禪修調心。喜歡分享家庭生活,個人成長,社會事件,歷史故事。寫人生百態,發原創作品。

一滴學英文(一)信任 | Trust

Nothing wrong if I say ”no" when it is not beneficial for me



1.What I felt

I felt that trust is the key to build relationships. Relationships can not be built without trust. Trust allows us to feel safe communicating and expressing feelings. Moreover, I think learning to trust ourselves is very important because it has huge implications for our lives. When we trust ourselves, we feel better about ourselves and build our self-esteem.


2.What I learned

Personally, I learned that there are many elements of trust: personal life experience, disclosure, communication, relationship, self evaluation, reliability, and personality. We use trust to describe what we think of what people say and whether or not we feel comfortable sharing certain information with someone else. We also use it to describe behaviors and to indicate whether or not we feel other people have our interests or care about us.

Trust is a process which takes a long time to trust someone. However, it can be damaged in a few minutes. Individual experience influences our capacity to trust others. People who receive more love and care tend to trust others easily. On the other hand, people who do not get that kind of care have difficulty trusting others.

I also learned that personality also influences how much and how quickly we trust others. Some people trust others too easily while other people always doubt others.

Professionally, I learned the barriers of trust: emotions, restrictive, and obstacles. Self determined people are suspicious of everyone they meet because they think others will take advantage of them. Other determined people are willing to take risks in trusting others.


3.What I would do differently

I am an other-determined person and I am willing to trust others. I think trust is also my personal value and I like to support others to show my trust. I do not know how to say "no" to people. For example, if someone asks for borrowing money, I will take the risk of an unknown situation. I often get hurt because I trust people too much. Nothing wrong if I say “no" when it is not beneficial for me. Therefore trust will be more joyful and less stressful.


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