

normal people

一晚上看完剧,只是感叹“how lucky they are”。看剧同时看不同文字分析,才了解“噢原来主题在‘成长’”,重点在全文最后一句“people can really change one another”,两人都是因为自卑而推开对方。和自己平时看剧看电影看书看画听歌一样,为什么人可以分析出那么多有理论支撑的细节。而我最常的read后感是一团雾,只能感觉,不懂得言明。是我无知,不记得任何理论。即便看完书,千头万绪,每绪只有词语、短句,汇聚的仍旧只想感叹“how lucky they are”。因为,能遇到一个不言自喻彼此G点、会鼓舞对方朝正确方向行进的人,是多么难得。



He presses his hands down slightly further into his pocket, as if trying to store his entire body in his pockets all at once.




She had that feeling in school often, but it wasn’t accompanied by any specific images of what the real life might look or feel like. All she knew was that when it started, she wouldn’t need to imagine it anymore.

(忘记这段mark down的缘由了。)


pleasurable sorrow

Moments of emotional pain arrived like this, meaningless or at least indecipherable. Marianne lived a drastically free life, he could see that. He was trapped by various considerations.




Even in memory she will find this moment unbearably intense, and she’s aware of this now, while it’s happening.

I love you. that was it , the beginning of my life.

“I love you”这句话,Marianne从未说出口过。


Before Alan can respond, they hear someone calling out from inside the house, and a door closing. Their mother is home. Alan looks up, his expression changes, and Marianne feels her own face moving around involuntarily. He glances down at her. You shouldn’t tell lies about people, he says. Marianne nods, say nothing. Don’t tell Mam about this, he says. Marianne shakes her head. No, she agrees. But it wouldn’t matter if she did tell her, not really. Denise decided a long time ago that it is acceptable for men to use aggression towards Marianne as a way of expressing themselves. As a child Marianne resisted, but now she simply detaches, as if it isn’t of any interest to her, which in a way it isn’t. Denise considers this a symptom of her daughter’s frigid and unlovable personality. She believes Marianne lacks ‘warmth’, by which she means the ability to beg for love from people who hate her. Alan goes back inside now. Marianne hears the patio door slide shut.





Connell says nothing. He runs his thumb over the label on the beer bottle, feeling for a corner to peel off. He has no idea what Marianne will come up with: something funny, he thinks, something that will make Peggy laughs and forget the question. Instead, unexpectedly, Marianne says: Oh, yeah. He starts smiling to himself. The corner of the beer label comes away from the glass under his thumb.

Generally I find men are a lot more concerned with limiting the freedoms of women than exercising personal freedom of themselves says Marianne.

For the privacy between himself and Marianne to be invaded by Peggy, or by another person, would destroy something inside him, a part of his selfhood, which doesn’t seem to have a name and which he has never tried to identify before. He folds the damp bed label up one more time so it’s very small and tightly folded now. Hm, he says.



Time consists of physics, money is just a social construct.

——“The substance that makes the world real.”


He knew she would say yes. He thought she would say yes, it was hard to imagine her not saying yes.

接近对方的感受,真的能approach吗?或者,人感受到自己,难度会低些吗?如果把意识分化,感受自己和感受对方,操作步骤有什么不一样吗?观察肢体动作或潮红变化,默记呼吸频率,分析物质条件、文化背景、原生家庭,探究过去、摸索规律、预测未来,不要忘记牛顿运动定律。Never say anything about your own self, never, just agree, only agree.


There’s always been something inside her that men have wanted to dominate, and their desire for domination can look so much like attraction, even love. In school the boys had tried to break her with cruelty and disregard, and in college men had tried to do it with sex and popularity, all with the same aim of subjugating some force in her personality.



为什么不能deal with“不被关注”的事实呢?

Marianne: acting a part, pretend to feel a certain way, like I’m in his power.


Connell: actually had those feelings, I’d have down anything you wanted me to.

第一次,Connell问Marianne:Is that ok?

Connell一直这么尊重Marianne,however,Marianne feel in control.




He knows that a lot of the literary people in college see books primarily as a way of appearing cultured. When someone mentioned the austerity protests that night in the Stag’s Head, Sadie threw her hands up and says: Not politics, please! Connell’s initial assessment of the reading was not disproven. It was culture as class performance, literature fetishised for its ability to take educated people on false emotional journeys, so that they might afterwards feel superior to the uneducated people whose emotional journeys they liked to read about. Even if the writer himself was a good person, and even if his book really was insightful, all books were ultimately marketed as status symbols, and all writers participated to some degree in this marketing. Presumably this was how the industry make money. Literature, in the way it appeared at these public readings, had no potential as a form of resistance to anything. Still, Connell went home that night and read over some notes he had been making for a new story, and he felt the old beat of pleasure inside his body, like watching a perfect goal, like the rustling movement of light through leaves, a phrase of music from the window of a passing car. Life offers up these moments of joy despite everything.




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