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故事時間|For the Very First Time(01)

By Barbara L. Kanehl

She sat there, pensively taking in her new surroundings. Never before had she experienced such a place. It was immense and so bright that she could barely keep her eyes open! She stood, taking in all the brand new sensations; the smells, the warmth, the tropical breeze blowing softly through her fine blonde hair. The sounds seemed to come from everywhere! What lay ahead before her was breathtakingly beautiful and never-ending. She could easily walk to it as nothing stood in her path. But it was so vast! What was this place, she thought?

pensively (adv.) 沉思樣

take in 映入眼簾、吸收

immense(adj.) 巨大的

barely (adv.) 幾乎不

sensation (n.) 感官、感覺

tropical (adj.) 熱帶的

breathtakingly (adv.) 令人屏息

vast (adj.) 廣闊的

Never before had she experienced such a place. It was immense and so bright that she could barely keep her eyes open!

What lay ahead before her was breathtakingly beautiful and never-ending.

故事裡面常會使用倒裝句,Never before had she experienced such a place.

還原變成:She had never experienced such a place.

so...that 表太...以至於


Never have I had such a delicious meal.
I have never had such a delicious meal.

What bothers me is you being silent all the time.
What surrounded me was a lot of blue birds.


感謝@雞毛的小事 許願,昨晚興奮的已經開始狂找資料了。目前為了兼顧英文的文學閱讀感受,我並沒有自行加入額外的分段,切短句。如果有什麼建議或想要的形式也都可以再跟我說,我會盡量滿足大家的!


也要感謝@我是心心 昨晚的支持!謝謝每個願意閱讀英文專欄的大家,歡迎繼續許願唷❤️(?

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