

In the air tonight

One day I fall into asleep 

dream about flying out of my body

Out of window

Upon to the roof

Across the streets

Ahead of all the buildings

I start to see the city 

Flying through the branches 

those leaves on the tree

Just hanging there

Waving to me by the wind

And the raindrops filled my eyes

Full of weird freshness

I keep on flying

Or mind i say 

I’m floating

Without any destination 

Or no intention to stop

It’s so freaking free

I looked around and

Can’t see my body

My hand, my tummy nor my feet

They’re all gone for better for worse 

vanish into the city light 

Finally I’m free

nowhere but everywhere 

And the heart is whistling 

Phil Collins’s

“In the air tonight”

西雨霓虹 English BootCamp英语训练营 

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 版权声明


