
I read about the good, the beautiful, the self and love. *The better part of my heart is open.

Mrs. Dalloway 第二次讨论问题纪要

第 27 次线上讨论问题纪要

内容:Mrs. Dalloway 49-62


But they beckoned; leaves were alive; trees were alive.

(1)Septimus 关注自然,从自然中找到慰藉,说明什么?

(2)前文说,妻子 Rezia 谨遵医嘱,希望 Septimus 更多关注自身之外的事物,真实的事物。Septimus 对自然的关注符合这一要求吗?

(3) 为什么 Septimus 从自然中获得的慰藉不足以抵挡自己轻生的念头?

Far rather would she that he were dead!

Rezia 真的希望丈夫 Septimus 已经死了吗?她为什么这么说?

Look! Her wedding ring slipped- she had grown so thin. It was she who suffered - but she had nobody to tell.


(2)Rezia 为什么说自己才是 suffered 的人?


Rezia 为了让 Septimus 尽快康复,说了连续说了六次 “look”。


(2)由于战争的创伤,Septimus 变得惧怕人群。Rezia 却反复让 Septimus 去关注周围的人群。从 Septimus 的反应来看,这种暴露疗法有效吗?

(3)于此同时,Septimus 在和 the seen 交流。既觉得自己是 the greatest of mankind,又认为自己是 scapegoat,the eternal suffferer。如何理解 Septimus 对自己如此极端的评价?



(1)从中我们是否可以窥见 Woolf 对宗教的看法?






she felt like a nun who has left the world and feels fold round her the familiar veils and the response to old devotions.

回到家的 Clarissa 感觉自己像是从世俗世界归来的修女。这对她的感情生活,家庭生活,精神生活有何暗示?

one must pay back from this secret deposit of exquisite moments.

(1)Exquisite moments 指的是哪些时刻?为什么 Clarissa 觉得自己获得这些时刻是需要偿还的债务?她的亏欠感从何而来?



she could not dispel a virginity preserved through childbirth which clung to her like a sheet.

(1)Clarissa 生下女儿之后,为什么依然有一种派遣不掉的 virginity 之感?




yet she could not resist sometimes yielding to the charm of a woman, not a girl, of a woman confessing, as to her they often did, some scrape, some folly.

(1)Clarissa 为什么总是会被困窘中的女人吸引?

(2)在后文中,Clarissa 说到,她面对 Sally 时总有一种保护欲,想要扮演她生命中的骑士。这种冲动是怎样一种欲求?它是性吸引吗?是爱吗?

(2)59 页,当 Clarissa 回忆自己曾经和 Peter 的互动时:they started up every day of her life as if he guarded her。

在 Clarissa 的眼中,Peter是否是她生命中的骑士?

she did undoubtedly then feel what men felt.

(1)Clarissa 用男人对女人的感觉来形容自己对女人的感觉。这个表述本身值得玩味。这是否表明 Clarissa 试图男女之间相互吸引的模式来解释自己被女性吸引的事实?

(2)结合上个问题,Clarissa 对女性与女性之间的性吸引的想象是否也来自于自己曾经和 Peter 的互动模式?

57 页

The strange thing, on looking back, was the purity, the integrity, of her feeling for Sally. It was not like one's feeling for a man. It was completely disinterested, and besides, it had a quality which could only exist between women, between women just grown up.

(1)在 Clarissa 眼中,只有在女性之间享有的特殊的东西是什么?

(2)如何理解她对 Sally 感情中的纯洁与完整感?


(4)她说自己对 Sally 的感情 completely disinterested。什么感情能让我们完全忘却自己的利益,也就是忘却自己?这是真实的呈现,还是 Clarissa 一厢情愿地对记忆的美化?


All this was only a background for Sally. She stood by the fire­ place talking, in that beautiful voice which made everything she said sound like a caress...

当周遭的人和事沦为背景,Clarissa 的耳朵和心只接受来自 Sally 的讯号。Woolf 对坠入爱河的描述是否引人共鸣?

Then came the most exquisite moment of her whole life passing a stone urn with flowers in it. Sally stopped; picked a flower; kissed her on the lips. The whole world might have turned upside down! The others disappeared; there she was alone with Sally. And she felt that she had been given a present, wrapped up, and told just to keep it, not to look at it - a diamond, something infinitely precious, wrapped up, ...

(1)Clarissa 认为这是她一生中最美妙的时刻。读完作者的描述,你是否能够想象她如何珍视这一时刻的原因?

(2)Clarissa 如今已经 52 岁。一瞬间和 52 年的对比,说明 Clarissa 的目前的人生幸福吗?

(3)Sally 给了 Clarissa 一个吻,Clarissa 把它当作宝贵的礼物,是 “钻石一般的时刻”。Clarissa 铭记一生的反应是否值得?当我们回答这个问题的时候,是否需要考虑 Sally 的反应?

(4)60页,有这么一句:Strange, she thought, pausing on the landing, and assembling that diamond shape, that single person, strange how a mistress knows the very moment, the very temper of her house!

为了准备晚上的宴会,Clarissa 不允许自己在情绪和精神上崩溃:她需要让自己成为完整的人,而不是被回忆和现实切割成碎片;她还需要复原心中那个像钻石一样坚牢的自己。现在,Clarissa 试图复原的这个钻石一般的自己和多年前那个 “钻石一般的时刻” 有什么联系?

59 页

She owed him words: "sentimental", "civilised"; they started up every day of her life as if he guarded her. A book was sentimental; an attitude to life sentimental. "Sentimental", perhaps she was to be thinking of the past. What would he think, she wondered, when he came back?

曾经的 Clarissa 因为过于 sentimental 而被 Peter 批评。而现在, Clarissa 似乎希望 Peter 对现在的她重新评价。

(1)Clarissa 现在依然 sentimental 吗?

(2)年过半百的 Clarissa 如此在意 Peter 对自己的评价,说明了什么?

60 页

如何看待女仆 Lucy 和 Clarissa 之间的关系?

(1)在 Lucy 的眼中,她们之间是否存在着超越主仆关系之上的联系和情谊?

(2)Clarissa 是否报以同样的反馈?Clarissa 是否需要 Lucy 的友谊?

61 页

Quiet descended on her, calm, content, as her needle, drawing the silk smoothly to its gentle pause, collected the green folds together and attached them, very lightly, to the belt.

修补裙子的过程同时也是 Clarissa 收束内心的过程。

62 页

She made to hide her dress, like a virgin protecting chastity, respecting privacy.

(1)Peter 突然造访,为什么 Clarissa 慌忙地把正在缝补的裙子藏起来?

(2)这里提到的贞洁和 Clarissa 对 Sally 的纯洁感情有和关系?

And what's all this?" he said, tilting his pen-knife towards her green dress.

Peter 到来打破了 Clarissa 和旧裙子之间的平静时刻。他手中把玩的刀更是将这种 “第三者的侵入感” 体现得淋漓尽致。

59 页,多年前,Clarissa 因为 Sally 的一吻而坠入美好瞬间的时候,同样是 Peter 打破了两人之间隐秘的亲密时刻。那时他似乎也是侵入的第三者。

Here she is mending her dress; mending her dress as usual, he thought; here she's been sitting all the time I've been in India; mend­ ing her dress; playing about; going to parties;

仅仅因为意外撞见 Clarissa 在缝补裙子,Peter 就武断地想象 Clarissa 离开自己的这些年一直在类似的消遣中虚掷光阴。这究竟是 Peter 展露的男性刻板印象,还是他用来压制内心对 Clarissa 的爱的自我欺骗?


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