
I read about the good, the beautiful, the self and love. *The better part of my heart is open.



In the phone photograph | of us in the orchard now, | Parry Hold a tin pitcher | with our mother's ashes | and we three look small, | wizended almost, in our grief.

/Jane Mead



Yet he holds this pose | as if no one will notice what frauds we are, | as if some world around him is about to make sense, | some answer has almost arrived. Almost.

/Matthew Olzmann

当你凝视雕塑 “思想者” 的复制品,他思考时严肃而紧绷的姿态让你觉得无解:他是一个尝试思考的人造物,他是一个尝试思考的人造物的复制品。他和思考越像,越只是模仿。


it may be assumed that eventually everyone gets in | The bath has a place in our lives and our place is | Within it we have control of how much hot how much cold | What to pour in how long we want to stay when to | Return is inevitable because we need something | To define ourselves against even if we know that | Whenever we want we can pull the plug and get out | Which is not the case with our own tighter confinement | Inside the body oh pity the bathtub but pity us too

/Matthea Harvey



Maybe my body was all there, / there, in the hotel room, / liquor-shot and reaching / in every direction / for an answer, / a complete sentence, or, / if nothing else, an exit, / a view, at least, of what / waits on the other side / of despair,

/Franny Choi



I waked to the sheets I kicked aside, / and examine where they've failed to mend / their own creases, resembling some silken / obstruction, something pulled / from my father's chest, a bad heart, / a lung, // the lung of the Famous Black Poet / saying nothing I want to understand.

/Carl Phillips

被子无法复原自己的褶皱,是否就像我们无法修复自己的缺陷?我们心中,又有哪些问题是 silken obstruction:看似良性,实则永远无法克服?


and you resign yourself / to your dead weight, when ascending is / the only right move and you know it, you know // you're in the part nobody reads.

/Carl Phillips

有比 “人生在世,什么痕迹都没有留下” 更遗憾的吗?有,是 “你奋力留下的痕迹除了你没有人在乎”。

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