
薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Nun (第一集) –薩迦寫實紀錄片




薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Nun (第一集)

第一集 薩迦狂尼




「阿尼」掌控了薩迦派重要人士的眼睛和耳朵,和法王家族都特別說得上話,而且有特別的聯絡管道,其他的人想要接觸法王,都會被她抨擊攔阻,如同中共封殺台灣一般,所有不聽她話的人在法王面前都被阿尼形容成錯誤、背叛、不發心、供養太少、不忠誠 ……被她羅織的罪名和壞話數不勝數,她對外自稱自己有「六聲道」(會說六種語言),所以不懂英語和藏語的人,透過阿尼,白的會被說成黑的,對的會被說成錯的,透過她捐獻供養的錢,不是縮水就是不知去向。




請期待下一集 魔界轉世之狂尼假結婚

The first episode : Sakya Crazy Nun

“She asked me to come here. She makes her name in religion as a peremptory and bossy person. If you don't follow her rules, there will always be many obstacles that stand in your way.”

Do you think that Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche is joking? This Rinpoche who directed many award-winning films related Tibetan Buddhism, such as “The Cup” came up on the stage to deliver this in his opening speech and many people may be wondering why he said so. It must be that Rinpoche knows the nun very well, so that he cannot refuse her invitation under huge pressure. 

Right! There is a female wearing like a nun in the north Taiwan in the Tibetan Sakya sect. People heard of her, who called herself as Fa-Yin master, and lamas called her “A Ni Wan Mo”. For many years, many unhealthy tendencies and evil influences in the Sakya sect all come from her selfish ambitions and illegal behaviors which are disasters and bring great harms for all.

“A Ni” controls and blinds many vital persons' eyes and ears in Sakya sect, which means that she has very good relationships with His Holiness family and special contact channel. If anyone wants to contact His Holiness, she will attack and blacklist him/her, which is just like China blocklist Taiwan. As long as anyone is not following her orders, she will accuse him/her of wrong,disloyalty, betrayal etc., and those cooked-up charges and bad words behind are innumerable. As A Ni called herself speaking 6 languages. Therefore, for those who don’t understand English and Tibetan, if they ask A Ni for some help, those people’s ideas would swear white to black, right to wrong and those disciples’ donations or offerings to His Holiness would disappear or shrink.

Moreover, if you don’t ben to her will, no matter you are Rinpoche or Kenbo, not to mention lamas, you are going to be in big trouble forever. And if you are the president or principal of the Buddhist Association, A Ni will make you become a betrayer and embezzler in the His Holiness’s mind, and you will never ever have a chance to invite the His Holiness to your association. Hence, everyone chokes with silent fury.

A Ni has extremely good and close relationships with His Holiness's wife because she will help the His Holiness fundraise and buy some luxury and expensive perfume, skincare products, jewels for His Holiness's wife. Thus, if you offend A Ni at any reasons, she will speak ill of you to His Holiness's wife, and then the His Holiness's wife will pass through to His Holiness. In this case, you will never have a chance to get any supports or resources to practice or propagate the Tibetan dharma.

A Ni said, “ In Sakya sect, I an on behalf of the real His Holiness's wife. Even though I am not the His Holiness, but I'm the queen!” This nun who is wearing the nun's clothes but behaves like a crazy woman, is repelled by her despicable tricks and behaviors, but everyone has no way out to reveal her ugly side. They all call her “ Sakya Crazy Nun” in private.

Next episode is coming soon. "Sham Marriage Of Crazy A Ni From The Hell."

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