
Welcome to the world of money.

Metaverse and NFT

Blockchain gave birth to Ethereum, which makes NFT, which drives the metasverse. Now, ethereum is likely to become the underlying currency system of the meta-universe, and NFT is likely to become an important asset form and infrastructure of the meta-universe.

Blockchain technology maps currencies in the digital world, creating a series of fungible cryptocurrencies that have led to a wave of cryptocurrency investment in recent years. The emergence of NFT, a non-fungible token, allows us to see the possibility of mapping the entire real world.

In addition to money, most objects in the real world is unique, and their character and value is different, the characteristics of NFT can perfectly fit this kind of situation, to achieve the tokenization of different objects in the digital world, and to complete the mapping of the real world to the digital world by using the non-tampering, open transparency, traceability of block chains, so as to construct the meta-universe, which is the utopian city we have long expected.

Every galaxy, every kingdom, and every tribe in the meta-universe must be interconnected. Connectivity means two things: first, people can move seamlessly from one galaxy to another, from one kingdom to another, and from one tribe to another. Second, the ownership and value of every man's property cannot be affected by his passage from one place to another.

This means that money and assets in the meta-universe must be able to move freely between different galaxies, kingdoms, and tribes and be widely validated and valued. Ethereum has the potential to be such a currency, and NFT has the potential to be such an asset, that no matter which galaxy, kingdom, or tribe a person is in in the meta-universe, their Ethereum and NFT can follow them along the way, and their value doesn't loss at the same point in time depending on where they are.

NFT can cover almost any asset form known in the real world. It can be art, works, patents and a unique design and fashion, financial products and derivatives, land and buildings, ranches, farms and beaches, membership and tickets.

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