Louis Garrett
Louis Garrett

Tips and Tricks to Dominate Fortnite Battle Royale

Fortnite Guide: Tips and Tricks to Dominate Fortnite Battle Royale

So you’ve played Fortnite for a couple of hours and feel like you have a decent idea about how the game works. You know where all the loot locations are, what areas should be avoided at night, and generally how the different weapons function. But even when you feel like you’ve gotten to grips with it all, there’s still plenty more that you can learn about this brilliant game. After all, there are so many subtle nuances that can make all the difference in a match - especially in such a cutthroat game like Fortnite Battle Royale.

To help you further your skills as fast as possible, here are 5 tips and tricks to dominate Fortnite Battle Royale:

Jump While Moving

One of the most common mistakes made by new and inexperienced Fortnite Battle Royale players is moving too slowly. If a player moves too slowly, they’re obviously much easier to spot than someone who is moving quickly through the map. If a player is spotted, they’re much more likely to have their loot stolen and be eliminated from the game. Given that you only have one life per match, this is obviously something that you definitely want to avoid. So how can you avoid moving too slowly? There are a few different ways to do this - one of the most effective is by jumping while moving. When you move, try to do so at a brisk pace. When you come up to a ramp, jump while you move to increase your speed and get through the map as quickly as possible. This is something that, when done right, can be incredibly effective and help you move around the map undetected. It can, however, be tricky. You need to make sure that you jump while you are still moving. If you jump before you’ve moved, you will slow down as soon as you hit the ground, meaning that you’ll be moving faster while jumping than while moving. This is actually a much more effective way of moving quickly and is something that many experienced Fortnite Battle Royale players do.

In the world of online gaming, in-game purchases can sometimes seem like a necessary evil. Many gamers are happy to fork over a few dollars for in-game items that improve their experience, but what if there was a way to get those same items without spending any money? That’s where free V Bucks come in.

Don’t Hesitate to Run

Another mistake that new players often make is hesitating to run. We know what you’re probably thinking - running uses up shield and health and doesn’t really accomplish anything, does it? If you’re not careful, it’ll put you in danger - at least that’s what you’ve probably been told by a teammate or two. This is not true, however, and you shouldn’t let this idea slow you down when you play Fortnite Battle Royale. Yes, health and shield are reduced when you run, but this reduction is incredibly minimal. It’s also something you can very easily account for by making sure you don’t run for long periods of time. You can also use items to reduce the amount of health and shield you lose when you run. The main reason you should never hesitate to run is that it’s a great way to cover ground quickly. You don’t want to be lingering in one place for too long, as this will make it much easier for other players to locate you. The quicker you can move around the map, the better your chances are of staying alive and looting as many items as possible. Running is also a great way of closing distance if you find yourself in a gunfight and need to get closer to your opponent. By running, you can quickly get close to your opponent and eliminate them before they have a chance to react.

Keep an Eye on the Storm

The storm is an ever-increasing storm system that circles the map. It travels in a clockwise direction and heads towards the center of the map over time. If the storm reaches the center, it will wipe out the entire map and reset the game. This might sound intimidating and like something you want to avoid at all costs. This is true to an extent - you do want to avoid being caught in the storm as much as possible. However, the storm can actually be incredibly beneficial to you if you know how to use it. Here are a few ways in which you can use the storm to your advantage: - The storm damages all players in an ever-increasing radius. If you’re in an area with a lot of players, you want to keep an eye on the storm and move out of the way before it reaches you. This will allow you to damage those players and gain an advantage over your opponents. - The storm also moves towards the center of the map. If you find yourself in an area with a lot of loot, you don’t want to get too close to the center. When the storm reaches the center, the loot will disappear and be reset. By keeping an eye on the storm, you can avoid this from happening. - If you find yourself falling behind in the game, you can try taking a risk and running into the storm to reset the game. If you’re in last place, you might be better off resetting the game and hoping for a better outcome the next time around.

Don’t Rely Only on Scoped Weapons

There are a lot of players who, when they first start playing Fortnite Battle Royale, focus on scoped weapons as their primary source of damage. This is a mistake and one that you should try to avoid making. While scoped weapons do have their benefits and can be very useful in certain situations, they’re not the be-all and end-all when it comes to winning matches. In fact, if you only use scoped weapons, your chances of winning are severely limited. Yes, scoped weapons are excellent for long-range fighting and can be very useful in team deathmatches and squads. However, they’re not very effective in close-range combat and can be incredibly difficult to use when the action gets up close and personal. If you rely on scoped weapons as your primary source of damage, you’re making life incredibly difficult for yourself. While they’re useful in certain situations, they’re nowhere near as versatile as other weapons. If you’re only using scoped weapons, you’re limiting yourself.

Use Fortnite Generator

It's no secret that Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world. And with that comes a lot of people wanting to find ways to get free V Bucks.

There are a lot of ways to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite, but none of them are as easy as using a free V Bucks generator. You can get free V-Bucks by completing certain tasks or by purchasing items in the game, but if you want to get them for free, then you can use a generator.


If there’s one thing that this list has hopefully shown you, it’s that there is plenty of room for improvement in your game. No matter how experienced you are with Fortnite Battle Royale, there are always areas that you can work on and improve. There are always new skills to learn and new tricks to master. If you want to improve your game, you need to be willing to put in the hard work. If you’re serious about dominating this game, you need to be prepared to put in the time and effort needed to get better. You need to be prepared to put in hours of practice and hone your skills. You need to be prepared to learn from your mistakes and make use of the opportunities that they present.

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