
歡迎您加入「親子 Online 共融電視台」這一個您能支持特殊學障及殘疾(SEN)青少年人家庭,善用資訊科技自食其力的創意平台。


當特殊學障(SEN)年青人離開學校踏足社會工作時,大家普遍都會先入為主,假設他們只能從事基層及勞動力的工作崗位;但是,自閉症或殘疾年青人,很多時候只是身體上有殘缺,又或者社交溝通上有困難。事實上,他們的工作態度及忠誠度一般十分之高;只要僱主願意給予務實而且適當的「在職培訓」機會,唯才是用,SEN 年青員工定能為各公司創造長遠的人力資源價值。

「親子Online共融電視台」正是朝著這樣的方向成立的社會企業,藉著資訊科技培訓,為弱勢社群創造發揮所長的就業崗位;他們可以如一般人一樣成為動畫師、編採人員及媒體製作者。我們榮幸能夠在非一般的2020年,獲得「香港精神獎」的提名,並且晉身「團體合作獎」的總決賽,獲得主辦單位之一 South China Morning Post 南華早報的重點報導,以下為有關原文報導的中文翻譯:





Tiffany Chan於2012年與丈夫Michael Sze共同創立了FamilyOnline.TV這IT社企項目;團隊主要致力於支援患有身體殘疾或身心障礙的年輕人。


患有聽障的輪椅使用者Tiffany,理解許多育有特殊需要孩子家庭所面臨的困難。 “我們希望,竭盡所能為有特殊需要的社區做些事情” 她說。


“我們的年青同事,陸續也會學習面對自己獨立生活,例如最基本可以開始支付自己的電腦及寬頻網絡費用” Tiffany說。


FamilyOnline.TV團隊成員獲得2019年香港資訊及通訊科技獎(HKICT Award) – 智慧市民年度大獎。照片:由受訪者提供


Tiffany的朋友Thomas Lau提名FamilyOnline.TV團隊參加今年的「團隊合作精神」獎,該獎項旨在表彰那些對社會有貢獻的無名小團體。




多年來,IT社企經已培訓了2,000名有特殊教育需要的年青人。SEN團隊更合力創作了 430 個益智App及遊戲,傳達積極正面的價值觀;App已達至221 個國家和地區,超過450萬次下載量。




《南華早報》(2020年8月7日) 報導原文: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3096302/hong-kong-social-enterprise-empowering-overlooked-one-app


A Hong Kong social enterprise is empowering the overlooked, one app at a time – South China Morning Post (7 Aug 2020)

  • FamilyOnline.TV is giving young people with special needs the tools required to become successful writers, animators, producers and artists
  • Their work has earned them a nomination for this year’s Spirit of Hong Kong Awards
FamilyOnline.TV team members attend a training session at the Hong Kong Productivity Council in 2019. Photo: Handout

They may not have a regular workplace, but, armed with laptops, talented young participants in a social enterprise in Hong Kong are able to work from anywhere, creating animations and developing edutainment tools for users worldwide.

These tech-savvy youths, aged between 15 and 25, are groomed in accordance with their aptitude by the FamilyOnline.TV team, who want to help them unleash their creative streak and transcend their own limits.

Tiffany Chan Wai-fun, who founded the social enterprise with her husband, Michael Sze Tak-lee, in 2012, said her team aimed primarily to support young people living with physical disabilities or developmental disorders.

She said her team believed many young people with special education needs were overlooked by the community, and that the mastery of information and communications technology (ICT) and media production skills could help them prove their worth.

Chan, who uses a wheelchair, said she understood the difficulties faced by many families with special needs children.

“We want to do something for the special needs community,” she said.

Through the provision of pre-employment and on-the-job training, FamilyOnline.TV, established under the iCare Foundation, encourages attendees to plan for their own future.

“[Our young colleagues] may soon start thinking about living independently and about paying their own broadband bills,” she said.

Chan said her team found it important to make youths with special needs – and those around them, such as their families – more hopeful.

FamilyOnline.TV team members attend the 2019 HKICT Smart People Grand Award Ceremony. Photo: Handout

Their work has earned the team a nomination for this year’s Spirit of Hong Kong Awards.

The annual event, co-organised by The South China Morning Post and the property developer Sino Group, celebrates the achievements of people whose endeavours may not come to public notice.

Thomas Lau, a friend of Chan’s, recommended the FamilyOnline.TV team for this year’s Spirit of Teamwork award, which recognises unsung groups that embrace their roles as socially responsible corporate citizens.

Chan said she believed her social enterprise had built a sustainable business model, adding that it stayed competitive in this high cost environment by managing without a fixed office.

“Every day I lead a group of young people hopping from community centre to cheap venue-for-hire to do the training,” she said.

A participant in FamilyOnline.TV training sessions may learn to be a writer, animator, producer and artist.

Over the years, the social enterprise has trained 2,000 young people with special education needs. It has created 430 edutainment mobile apps and video games that convey moral values, generating more than 4.5 million downloads from 221 countries and territories.

Sze, Chan’s husband and co-founder, said every download counted to their young colleagues, who often lacked self-confidence.

“Seeing someone download their creations from places as far away as Africa would make them feel successful,” he said.

The couple said their team, which won the Hong Kong ICT “Smart People Grand Award” in 2019, would empower their trained colleagues to keep up their endeavours and pass on their skills.

Source: South China Morning Post


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