


Lawmakers grilled three former Capitol security officials at a hearing on the January 6 attack. The officials blamed poor intelligence — and each other — for the failed response to the siege.议员们在1月6日袭击案的听证会上盘问了三名前国会安全官员。官员们指责情报不足,以及未能对围困事件作出反应。)  THE WASHINGTON POST

Tiger Woods is recovering from surgery after suffering “significant” leg injuries in a car crash in Los Angeles. Doctors said he is awake and responsive.(泰格-伍兹在洛杉矶的一场车祸中腿部受到 "重大 "伤害,目前正在从手术中恢复。医生说,他是清醒的,有反应的。)  ESPN

A grand jury declined to file charges against police in the death of Daniel Prude, a Black man who died in Rochester, New York, after officers pinned him to the ground in March.大陪审团拒绝就纽约州罗切斯特黑人丹尼尔·普鲁德(Daniel Prude)之死向警方提起诉讼。今年3月,警察将他按在地上,导致他死亡。)  NPR

Nearly 80 people are known to have died as a result of last week’s storm in Texas, but officials say it could be months before the full toll is determined.目前已知有近80人因上周德克萨斯州的暴风雨而死亡,但官方称可能需要数月才能确定全部伤亡人数。  THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

The Senate confirmed two more of Biden’s Cabinet nominees: Tom Vilsack will serve as agriculture secretary, and Linda Thomas-Greenfield will be ambassador to the United Nations.参议院确认了拜登的另外两个内阁候选人:汤姆·维尔萨克(Tom Vilsack)将担任农业部长,琳达·托马斯·格林菲尔德(Linda Thomas-Greenfield)将担任联合国大使。)  USA TODAY


More on the security failures behind the Capitol insurrection, plus how the pandemic is affecting fast-food menus, on today’s podcast.(在今天的播客节目中,我们将为您提供更多关于国会暴动背后的安全问题,以及疫情如何影响快餐行业。)   APPLE NEWS TODAY


Democrats’ Unfinished Business


The Dems may have won control of Washington, D.C., but Republicans are working hard to exert minority rule.(民主党可能已经赢得了华盛顿特区的控制权,但共和党人正在努力实施少数派统治。)  MOTHER JONES


Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the poet, publisher, and pivotal figure to the Beat movement, died at 101.(诗人,出版商,节拍运动的关键人物劳伦斯·费林格蒂(Lawrence Ferlinghetti)去世,享年101岁。)   SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE

Experts share the most likely timeline for life to return to normal. (后疫情时期什么时候生活会再次“正常”)  THE ATLANTIC

The IRS cashed her check. Then the late notices started coming.(国税局兑现了她的支票。然后,迟来的通知开始出现。)  PROPUBLICA

New scans of “The Scream” reveal that its painter, Edvard Munch, wrote a tiny, hidden message on the canvas.(新的《呐喊》扫描图显示,画家爱德华-蒙克在画布上写下了一个微小的、隐藏的信息。)   CNN

These three-ingredient peanut-butter cookies are so simple, you don’t even need a measuring spoon.(花生酱饼干的无“量”之力)  FOOD52


People think that my girlfriend is either my sister or my nurse.”(关于残障人士约会中令人发指的不公)

Ramy star Steve Way wants to change how we think about the love lives of disabled people like him.( 这位拉米(Ramy)明星想改变我们对像他这样的残障美国人的爱情生活的看法,并消除无法结婚的障碍。)   GQ

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